Friday, 4 October 2013

The epic 1947 celebration

Independence is a feeling which holds a different meaning for every individual. India is the seventh largest (by area) and the second most populous country in the world. Our nation holds title for having the largest democracy across the globe. Here everybody has the right to work, right to write, right to speech, right to express…
I feel, similar is architecture; where you have the right to express. Expression holds a very important place in the human brain. Expression is about being bold, being forward, being self less and being in celibacy… a right amalgamation of the expression of independence and speech was viewed across the I.D.E.A.S. campus housing 400 students on 15th august’13.
On the onset of the juniors, the Independence Day was celebrated in college with a sensible patriotic feeling amidst the national anthem and several nationalistic heartbeats. The added feather to the program was inauguration ceremony of CONCEPT ‘S’.
The ceremony saw the introduction of various students as the head of the various segments/sections and their respective co-coordinators. It was enlightening to see the students come forward and explain what they were expected to perform in the coming months….
I hope everybody remembers O YUVA!!!